(MOUNT VERNON, N.Y. / The Journal) — Rain couldn't damper this year's festivities, could it? Now that June is fast approaching, change is sure to come once again to our beloved school. It's sad but true. But, for one night, our whole school community came together to celebrate more than 200 students who beat the odds to push the Mt. Vernon City School District to new heights. Ms. Abbey, the proud vice principal for student affairs, took the helm as the ceremony's host — she welcomed our fellow students who've worked so hard, and invited some special guests to honor those who've also made such a big impact on their fellow Mount Vernonites.
There were special honors awarded to remember Shamoya McKenzie and Mr. Denby, two people who were very special to our MVCSD community. We also hosted the annual tradition of the Candlelight Induction Ceremony, a prestigious honor for those special students inducted into our local National Junior Honor Society and National Honor Society chapters. During the distribution of awards, there was also the "one fell swoop" of Honor Roll, High Honor Roll, and Principal's Honor Roll recipients for the third marking period. While it may have been a bit rushed (even at a final run-time of an hour & fifteen minutes), everyone had a great time — especially at the refreshment tables. It really was a dash for the cookies! With this, The Journal is proud to celebrate our school every day of the year and make sure the students' voices are heard. Congratulations to all of our honorees! We are all so proud!